Monday, September 26, 2011

Save Power in your iPhone: Tips to Save Battery

 “What’s new with the iPhone 5?” This is the usual question for everyone who heard that the iPhone 5 is now coming in a few weeks. For iPhone users, you can really say that the iPhone is an amazing smartphone. But sad to say, it also needs to improve its battery. Yes, the iPhone 5 battery should be improved when they will release it probably next month. In the meantime, there are things you can do to save power in the iPhone battery. Some of these solutions will limit your iPhone’s full potential, but can be very useful in times you really need to extend your battery life throughout the day.

When you are using actively your iPhone, sometimes it will not last through the day. You need to recharge your iPhone before the day is done. So, what if you don’t have access to power source right away? You then should save power before you can recharge. Here are some tips to save battery on your iPhone.

Lock your iPhone when not in use. Why wait for the auto-lock feature to turn your iPhone into sleep mode? Tapping the sleep button on the upper part of your iPhone will immediately lock and turn to sleep mode. It has also an auto-lock feature which can be set for at least 1 minute to automatically lock your iPhone when not being used.

Adjust to lower the screen brightness. To adjust brightness, go to Settings app and tap on Brightness. This is the next best thing to do I you want that your iPhone will stay longer. If you have a jailbroken iPhone, you can install SBSettings from Cydia so you can adjust the brightness in just a single slide in your status bar.

Install Running Indicator. Aside from SBSettings, Running Indicator is a jailbreak tweak that will let you know which apps are running. You can determine these apps because they glow brighter than dormant apps and a little “x” on the upper left of the icon. You can then turn this app OFF by tapping the “x” on the icon. This helps to save power on your precious battery when you needed most. Make sure to add in Cydia repo and search for “running indicator” to install this tweak.

Disable 3G Network. Turning your 3G network drains your battery faster than EDGE or WiFi. So, the wise thing to do is turn OFF your 3G when you are connected to WiFi or if you are not using the internet. To turn OFF 3G, go to Settings >General>Network> and toggle the button to OFF.

Turn OFF “Ask to Join Networks” feature in the Network Settings. Since your iPhone will constantly search for WiFi networks available in your area, turn this option OFF so you can save power on your battery. You can do this by navigating to Settings>Network>WiFi and turn OFF the toggle for “Ask to Join Networks”. You can still join a network manually.

Turn OFF Notifications. If you have enabled Notifications Option, your iPhone will always search for the latest notifications you may have. The best example is from Facebook. If someone writes on your wall, it will notify you. This is exactly the same with Twitter and other apps. So, turning this option OFF will definitely save your battery life. Go to Settings and select “OFF” under Notifications.

Turn OFF the Data Push and Fetch Features. Go a step further by making the Mail and other apps check in with the servers less frequently after turning OFF Notifications. To increase fetch interval, go to Mail, Contacts, Calendars and select “Hourly” from the option of Fetch New Data. You cannot get mail or calendar invitations unless you will do it manually. This helps to save power in your iPhone battery.

Enable Airplane Mode. When you really don’t need any internet connection, learn to use Airplane Mode from time to time. This will disable all network connections in your iPhone making it function just like an iPod. This will greatly help in increasing the life of your iPhone battery.

If you have more tips on how to save power on iPhone battery, feel free to write it on the comment section below. Thank you!

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